Looking to update your site and need some help?

From design changes and creating pages through to technical changes - let our experienced team assist you with your site updates. Complete the form below and we will be in touch.

Once your form is received it will be reviewed by our support team. You will then receive an order to approve, followed by an invoice. One of our PM's will be in touch once the invoice is paid to ensure we have everything and get the updates underway!

Professional Services

Your Details

Change Request Details:


Includes content, images, videos, documents and any other items we will need to deliver the updates. ALL collateral is required before work commences.

* Shazamme will send you an order for the number of hours required to complete the work. Once the order is approved an invoice will be sent. This must be paid before any work commences.   

Costs per hour (excl. tax) is USD 99        

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