Our Salesforce recruitment website integrations are crucial to your success!
That is why we have invested in creating the best and most advanced Salesforce recruitment integrations.
What starts in your imagination comes to life with our Salesforce partnership. Our combined recruitment technology will make your career site, staffing / recruitment website more successful online. By utilizing Shazamme and Salesforce together, your integrations, candidate and client experience will be significantly enhanced.
Reach out regarding any Salesforce integrations you would like to achieve, we have the technology and industry insights to make anything Salesforce recruitment related, happen.
Salesforce can now easily be integrated into your career site, recruitment or staffing website. Easily achieve a fully integrated job board, high level SEO, data & analytics and an easy apply process.
We are here to help with your recruitment Salesforce enquiries.
Let us help you grow your recruitment or staffing business online - Shazamme - Recruitment Website Technology.
Shazamme is a provider of cloud-based digital marketing technology platform solutions for recruiters and corporate recruiters. Recruitment Websites for Recruiter and Staffing firms is at the heart of our offering. Recruitment and Staffing Companies trust Shazamme to help them market their jobs, brands and values.